

Now Taking Clients for 2024!

  • “I’ve worked with a few trainers and you’ve been the most welcoming, knowledgeable and realistic person I’ve been with”

  • “I was discouraged when I got back to the gym that I would have lost all progress. It’s just been a few weeks back into routine and I’m seeing definition again in my legs and arms. My clothes feel so much better on my body and I’m gaining so much confidence!”

  • “Not only have I seen major physical changes, but also a drastic mental shift in my day-to-day living. You’ve been amazing!”

Why defineyou?

At defineyou, we care about your well-being. That’s why we help our clients implement a non-restrictive approach while they’re chasing their goals. Yes, it will take hard work and persistence. However, if you want to change the way you look in the mirror, there is no reason why it shouldn’t be fun and exciting! We show our clients that you CAN eat the foods you love and perform the workouts you enjoy the most, while seeing the results you crave. We work hard to collaborate with our clients and create a program that best suits them as individuals. No, you don’t need to be in the gym for 2+ hours each day. No, you do not need to only eat fat-free, low-carb foods to lose weight. With defineyou, be prepared to say goodbye to restrictive fad diets, yo-yo weight fluctuations, and anxiety over your appearance. It’s time to redefine the way you approach fitness and become one step closer to unleashing your true potential.

  • Custom Workout Programs

    Workouts tailored to your goals, lifestyle, fitness levels, likes / dislikes and more! The program is easily understood as there are clear explanations for each exercise.

  • 1:1 In-App Communication

    You have the ability to message Emilie at any time and ask her questions / communicate. You are guaranteed continuous support and encouragement along the way!

  • Nutritional Advice / Support

    Emilie will offer insight into nutrition fundamentals and help you find a healthy balance that will leave you feeling your absolute best.

  • Weekly Check-Ins

    Each week, monitor your progression by tracking weight, measurements, progress photos, and energy levels. Watch yourself grow each week and transform your body and mindset!

Learn more by inquiring now!


  • One of the many benefits of working with an online fitness coach is the flexibility that comes with it. While working with an in-person trainer, you must work around yours / your trainer’s schedule…on the other hand, working with an online fitness coach means you are able to perform your workout at any time throughout the day. Some are skeptical about working with an online coach because they are not physically present during your workout to provide form corrections and advice. However, in the defineyou app, you are able to take videos of your exercises and send them directly to Emilie, who will provide instant feedback. Another plus of working with an online coach is the constant communication. With defineyou, you have access to 1:1 in-app communication, where you are able to ask Emilie questions at any time.

  • At defineyou, we make sure to price our services at a reasonable rate that is attainable for many people. We do not believe in over-charging because we want others to share the same level of passion for health and fitness as we do. Having an online fitness coach is greatly beneficial, as it provides a source of external accountability, education/knowledge and peace of mind, as your coach will lay each step in front of you. Having an online fitness coach allows you to take your fitness journey step by step, without dealing with the stress of figuring everything out yourself.

  • At defineyou, Emilie will schedule a call where you will discuss many topics, including your current lifestyle. We make sure to create a program that will be easily implemented into your day-to-day life. Since we are strictly a 1:1 online training service (as opposed to a monthly subscription-based program), we constantly make modifications that suit your individualistic needs.

  • We believe in implementing variety into your training regime! On your consultation call, Emilie will ask various questions including your workout history, health history, likes / dislikes and more. Once we have collected all data necessary, Emilie will write a program that best suits your desires and needs. This program changes every 4-6 weeks, depending on your progression, and will be easily modified as needed.

Stop wasting time by punishing yourself with each workout, and learn how you’d like to DEFINE your health and fitness lifestyle!

Take the next step.

Are you ready to elevate your fitness? Do you want to know more? Either way, contact us to get the answers to all of your questions!