About Me.

Hey there! Emilie here, a certified fitness trainer and nutrition coach dedicated to guiding women all over the world in their health and fitness journey.  I created defineyou with the intention of enabling women to unlock their true potential and unleash the strongest version of themselves.  
I’ve been passionate about health and fitness for years…but it hasn’t always been a positive experience.  I’ve been through every diet you can imagine and tried every weight loss challenge online…neither of which fixed my issue.  I never knew how to nourish my body or exercise to suit my individualistic lifestyle.  All of this changed a few years back when I became sick and tired of yo-yoing through life.  I decided to pursue fitness & invest my education to ensure that what happened to me, would not happen to my future clients. 
 I will show how remarkable change is when you stack habits over time, rather than diverting to a “quick fix”.  My program is for the woman who wants to make a permanent change and create / strengthen a positive relationship with health and fitness.  Yes, you will see physical results, but it is the mental shift, change of perspective and willingness to be consistent that makes you change.  

About Me.